Photo of María-José VELA Spain

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Born in Barcelona 1942. 1956-61 Graduated in Fine Arts and studied engraving at the School Llotja. From the year 61 is devoted entirely to painting and teaching of Plastic Arts. Is Professor of Drawing at the School of Plastic Arts and design Llotja of Barcelona. 1976-79 organizes exhibitions of other artists in his workshop. 1991 Member of the Jury Prize illustration Parads Caterina Alberti. Ateneo Barcelons solo...

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Born in Barcelona 1942. 1956-61 Graduated in Fine Arts and studied engraving at the School Llotja. From the year 61 is devoted entirely to painting and teaching of Plastic Arts. Is Professor of Drawing at the School of Plastic Arts and design Llotja of Barcelona. 1976-79 organizes exhibitions of other artists in his workshop. 1991 Member of the Jury Prize illustration Parads Caterina Alberti. Ateneo Barcelons solo exhibitions 1963-1973. Barcelona. Trilce Galera. Barcelona. Twain Gallery. Barcelona. Chabuca room. Barcelona. Art Nou Gignas. Barcelona. The Art Gallery 1985-1988 Rutlla. Sant Feliu de Guixols. Girona. Travelling Exhibition: Madrid, Galicia, Castile, the Basque Country and Valencia. Velavidons spectacle. Barcelona Sitges. Music: Santi Arisa. Dance: Anna Maleras. Painting JosVela Mara. Estol Galera. Barcelona. Galera La Amistad. Group Five. Cadaqus. Girona. Galera 1994 Matisse. Barcelona. Museo de La Rioja. Logroo. Espai Galera Hartung. Group laltra face .... Es Mercadal. Menorca. LAmagatall room. Barcelona. Ensenyament Dep. Generalitat de Catalunya. Barcelona. Galera 1995 Mlargaleriet i Taubehuset. Stockolm. Sweden. Proposta Garer dArt. Barcelona .. ESADE. University of Barcelona. Meetings Singul-Art. Barcelona. 1996 lEbre Museum. Cirtmisa Asimtric. TV3 Program: Aixno s tot, maig month. Catalunya. Castell de Sant MartSarroca. Peneds. Barcelona. Cultural Center La Santa. Toros. Barcelona. Colegio Oficial de Catalunya dArquitectos Technicians. Materials-MateriArt. Barcelona. 1999 Art in the Mediterranean. Carrara. Italy. Group Exhibitions 1968-1979 Hospital de Sant Pau. Women's Salon of Contemporary Art. Barcelona. Architects Association of Catalonia and the Balearic Islands. Eighty-five artists in search of a spectator. Barcelona. The traveling exhibition Art in the Schools. Mostra 1. Schools: Betnie-Patmos, Massana, Heura, Eina, Elisava Institute Ausias March, etc. Organized by: Jordi Vallsy JosVela Mara. Barcelona. Matisse gallery. Tribute to JV Foix. Barcelona. FundaciMir. Exhibition on the occasion of the inauguration of the newspaper Avui. Barcelona. The Art Gallery 1985-1989 Rutlla. Sant Feliu de Guixols. Gerona. Vaireda room. Olot. Gerona. Clar room. Olot. Gerona. Strokes Galera. Badalona. Barcelona. Donart exhibition. Hospital de Sant Pau. Eroticism. Barcelona. Estol Galera. Barcelona. Galera de Mar Blau Salon del Mar. Arenys de Mar. Barcelona. Casa Elizalde. Not heroes or models. Barcelona. 1989-1990 Hotel romantic. Sentimental Journey, Sitges. Barcelona. Casa de la Cultura Ulldecona. Donart exhibition. Eroticism. Montsià. Galera Cinquecento. Spring. Barcelona. Fira de Barcelona. Art for Peace. Montjuic. Barcelona. Casa Elizalde. Exhibition Donart. La ciutat. Barcelona. Mention of Honor. Segura Viudas Galera. Barcelona. Galera Cinquecento. Tardor. Barcelona. Casa Elizalde. Donart and Self Portrait Exhibition. Galera Cinquecento. Barcelona. First Mention of Honor. 1991 Camprodn Cultural Center. Donart Exhibition City. Gerona. Traveling exhibition: Hall Moncunill, Terrassa City Council, City of Tarragona, City of Barcelona, Sant Cugat del Valls, Logrooy others. Tribute to Mozart. CasRey Galera. Barcelona. Canals Galera Mercartes Sant Cugat del Valls. Barcelona. 1992 Casa Elizalde. Donart exhibition. The Women and Sport Barcelona. First Prize. TeiExposicinDonart Culture House. Barcelona. Mini Print International. Cadaqus. Traveling. Galera Map. Suggestions on paper. Barcelona. Galea Yolanda Rios. Obra Grafica. Sitges. Barcelona. Galera Map. Sport Barcelona and Barcelona. Mercado del Borne. Cultural Olympiad. ArtCat. Barcelona. Water Tower. ArtCat. Barcelona. Vinon room. 3rd. HipermercArt of Contemporary Art. Barcelona. Artsenal Galera. Artsenal 1st Paper. Sant Cugat del Valls. Barcelona. 1992 Casa Elizalde. Donart exhibition. The world of dreams. Barcelona. Matisse gallery. Pequeo format. Barcelona. Casa Elizalde. I Solidario Art Show. Barcelona. Casa Elizalde. Donart exhibition. Ao Special Mir. Barcelona. Tecla Sala. L 'Hospitalet de Llobregat City Council. Continuity. Personal journey from the years 60. Barcelona. Stges City Council Tribute to El Greco. Sitges. Barcelona. Convent of Our Cultural Center of the Angels Sara. Outreach Art Show II. Barcelona. Casa Elizalde. Donart. Works on Paper. Barcelona. Galera 1993 symbols. The traveling exhibition Elctrica Sardana: Barrio Pilar Galera Tres Cantos-(Madrid). Picasso Room of the Board of Culture of Colmenar Viejo and the Board Clock Arganzuela Board of the City of Madrid. Urban Gallery in Madrid. Azazel Foundation, Zaragoza. Pauligne, France. ComdEncamp, Andorra. Xtiva, Valencia. Sala Caja de Madrid, Barcelona. Manresa. Barcelona. 1994-95-96 Centro Cultural La Santa. Painting and Sculpture. Barcelona. Cultural Center La Santa. Architects and chairs. Barcelona. Casa Elizalde. Donart. The Maditerrneo. Barcelona. Cultural Center Convent of Our Lady of the Angels. Outreach Art Show III. Barcelona. Librera Crucible. Obra Grafica SingulArt. Barcelona. SingulArt exhibition. Original works on paper. Barcelona. Les Punxes Galera. Christmas collective. Barcelona. Show SingulArt room. Opera Prima. Barcelona. Cultural Center La Santa. Arte Povera sculpture. Barcelona. Galera 1995 Les Punxes Collective Christmas. Barcelona. Show SingulArt room. Opera Prima. Barcelona. Cultural Center La Santa. Arte Povera sculpture. Barcelona. Academia de Bellas Artes de Sabadell. +29 13 Llotja Professors. Sabadell. Barcelona. Cultural Center La Santa. 3rd. Anniversary. Santa Barbie in wonderland. Barcelona. Ponent room. Formes i paint color contempornia jove. Sant Martde sa Roca. Barcelona. 1996 Ajuntament de Barcelona. Art Solidari. Barcelona. Super Mercartes. American Prints. Barcelona. Marc3. Works on paper. Barcelona. Cultural Center La Santa. Anniversary Painting 4. Sex or no sex. Barcelona. Ms. Nostra Convent dels Angels. VI Mostra de Arte Solidario. Barcelona. AssociaciAlba. Charity auction. Terrassa. Barcelona. 1997 Ajuntament de Barcelona. Art Solidari. Barcelona. Super Mercartes. American Prints. Barcelona. Marc3. Works on paper. Barcelona. Cultural Center La Santa. Anniversary Painting 4. Sex or no sex. Barcelona. Ms. Nostra Convent dels Angels. VI Mostra de Arte Solidario. Barcelona. AssociaciAlba. Charity auction. Terrassa. Barcelona. Marc3 1998-99. Mostra Permanent dobra on paper. Barcelona. Maremagnum. Art Show Solidarity. Barcelona. Barcelona Melange. Mn Espai Obert. Barcelona. Galera Espai Blanc. Toy artist. Barcelona. Horta Guinard CVIC Centre. Srtip-Art. Barcelona. 2000 Galley Espai Blanc. Toy artist. Barcelona. Donart Elizalda House. 2000 from my studio. Barcelona. 1 Mention of Honor. Galera Espai Blanc. Ten painters and a sculptor. Barcelona. Galera Espai Blanc. Artist toy. Barcelona. 2002 Centre Jujol-Can Negre. De levident limprobable i Sant Joan Desp City Council. Barcelona Activities AAIP-FAD (Artisans and research activities plastic) 1989-1990 Old Hall station. Sample Engraving. Santa Cristina dAro. Gerona. FAD. Exhibition Sphere. Barcelona. Museum of Printing and graphic work. Mercenaries parent monastery. El Puig de Santa Mara. Graphic work. Pas Valenciano. Office des Provintial Industries dArt Artisanats et du Brabant. Catalonia in Brabant. Bruxelles. Belgium. 1991 Exhibition itinerantePalabra and Image: Terrassa Cultural Centre, FAD, Barcelona, Centre Artisan Standing, Barcelona; Crypt Ermita Virgen del Camino, Cambrils. Tarragona. Figueras Cultural Center. The wind. Traveling: Girona, Vic, Barcelona. Standing Crafts Center, Councillor for Industry and Energy. Generalitat of Catalonia. Chair. Barcelona. 1992 Fair City. L 'Hospitalet de Llobregat. Barcelona. Word and image exhibition. Gerona. FAD. Space in Space. Sculpture. Barcelona. Casa Elizalde. Etching recorders AAIP-FAD and the Master recorder Jaume Pla. Barcelona. Pati Llimona 1993. Miry Matter. Barcelona City Council. Barcelona. 1994 Standing Crafts Center, Councillor for Industry and Energy. Generalitat of Catalonia. The five senses and nature. Barcelona. 1997 Propostes dArt Galera, Reciclart the ideal shoe. Barcelona. Espai Blanc Galera Reciclart the ideal shoe. Barcelona. Awards and competitions of artistic Crculo Horta 1957-1967. Third Prize in Painting. Barcelona. Pars room. Young Painters. Barcelona. City of Granollers painting. Barcelona. Painting City Molins de Rei. Barcelona. Painting City Hospitalet de Llobregat. Barcelona. 1990 Casa Elizalde. Donart. Mention of Honor. Barcelona. 1991 Casa Elizalde. Donart. Mention of Honor. Barcelona. 1992 Casa Elizalde. Donart. First Prize. Barcelona. 2000 Casa Elizalde. Donart latest edition. First Mention of Honor. Barcelona. 1992 Casa Elizalde. Donart. First Prize. Barcelona. 2000 Casa Elizalde. Donart latest edition. First Mention of Honor. Barcelona. Displays Fairs International Print 1968-1979. Barcelona. Palace of the Viceroy. Drawing Fair. Barcelona. Montreal Art Expo 1985. Salon Art International. Canad. BIAF 1989 89. International Salon Art Gallery. Barcelona. Grafic Art Salon International Contemporary Art graphic. Barcelona. International Book Salon. Presentation of graphic work. Frankfurt, Germany. Kunstrai 1996. Wind Galera. Amsterdam. Avui Journal Collections 1979. Barcelona. 1991 Hilton Hotel. Acquisition of 30 works of Galera travs Cinquecento. Barcelona. Autonomous Port of Barcelona 1992. Purchase of several works of Galera travs Cinquecento. Barcelona. Women's Association of Catalonia. Barcelona. Councillor Natural Environment. Generalitat de Catalunya. Barcelona. Galera 1993 Malargaleriet i Taubehuset of Stockoholm. Sweden. 1994 Museo de La Rioja. Logroo. LEbre Museum. Tortosa. Tarragona. SingulArt 1996. Barcelona. Pro-Life Association. For AIDS patients. Barcelona. Publications Vector 1. 60 articles on the and drawing techniques. Editorial Salvat. Barcelona. Literary Encyclopedia. Compaginacin. Editorial Salvat. Barcelona. Encyclopedia. Art educator and developmental stages for Children .. Editorial Labor. Barcelona. Scientists illustrations for textbook. Editorial Canals. Barcelona. Line 8. Textbook for General Educacin basic. Vicens Vives. Barcelona. Design and society. Articles. On magazine. Barcelona. Calendar of Councillor of Environment. Publication of a work plastic. Generalitat de Catalunya. Arts & Coexistence fixed monthly column. The Fanal "The Lamp. Barcelona. Artis Mundi. Fixed column. Monthly magazine. Globus Mundi. Barcelona. Arts and Coexistence. Heterognesis magazine. Sweden. Art As Idea Pre-edition. Edit Alev-Unda. Barcelona. Ranked 1995 in the Catalan Art Encyclopedia of JosCorredor Mateos. Barcelona. Ranked in the Dictionary Rafols of Catalonia and the Balearic Islands, assisted by Rafael Santos Torroella .. Barcelona. Ranked in the National Catalog of Contemporary Art, Iberian 2000. 1992-93. Ranked in the National Contemporary Art Catalog Artegua.Catalogada the National Contemporary Art Catalog Canart. 1995-96-97. Logse School Reform. Vocational Training Currculum of Plastic Arts and Design Intermediate (content maximums): Silk Screen Print artistic and Calcogrfico. Higher Level (content maximums):: Clothing Stylist, Models of Clothing, Collections area Colorist Textile printing and dyeing and artistic. DEnsenyament Department. Generalitat de Catalunya. Barcelona. Logse School Reform. Vocational Training Currculum of Plastic Arts and Design Higher Grade (content minimum): Stylist Colorist Patterns and Prints Collections. Educaciny Ministry of Culture. Madrid. Artis Mundi. Fixed column. Monthly magazine. Globus Mundi. Barcelona. Arts & Coexistence. Heterognesis magazine. Sweden. Art As Idea Pre-edition. Edit Alev-Unda. Barcelona. Ranked 1995 in the Catalan Art Encyclopedia of JosCorredor Mateos. Barcelona. Ranked in the Dictionary Rafols of Catalonia and the Balearic Islands, assisted by Rafael Santos Torroella .. Barcelona. Ranked in the National Catalog of Contemporary Art, Iberian 2000. 1992-93. Ranked in the National Contemporary Art Catalog Artegua. Ranked in the National Contemporary Art Catalog Canart. 1995-96-97. Logse School Reform. Vocational Training Currculum of Plastic Arts and Design Intermediate (content maximums): Silk Screen Print artistic and Calcogrfico. Higher Level (content maximums):: Clothing Stylist, Models of Clothing, Collections area Colorist Textile printing and dyeing and artistic. DEnsenyament Department. Generalitat de Catalunya. Barcelona. Logse School Reform. Currculum Training Cycles of Plastic Arts and Design Higher Grade (content minimum): Stylist and Colourist prints Prints Collections. Educaciny Ministry of Culture. Madrid. Design activities, and educational theorists ALAS 1960. Advertising Agency. Draftsman. Barcelona. BUCH-SANJUAN 1961. Advertising Agency. Cartoonist, animaciny color. Barcelona. PATMOS ESCOLA 1962-1972. Professor of Drawing. Barcelona. ESCOLA Betnie-PATMOS 1973-1977. Professor of Drawing. Barcelona. AISCOLDEL 1972. Creative Collections vinlico paper for decoration and wall coverings. SAILING STUDY Barcelona 1974-1979. Creation of collections and designs for prints. Barcelona. SAN JOS 1975 Instituto Calasanz. Professor of Drawing. Barcelona. 1976 HALL, SCHOOL EUROPEAN. Professor of Drawing. Barcelona. Autonomous University 1977. School Teacher formation. Professor of Drawing. Bellaterra. Barcelona. 1981 SCHOOL IPSI. Drawing Teacher Asst. Barcelona. ESCOLA LLOTJA 1978-2000. Professor of Drawing. Barcelona. Drawing monographic. Specialties techniques. Common courses. Specialty. Graphic Design. Specialty Stamping Design. Head of Department or area coordinator Textile. Head of Studies. Specialties Stamping Design, Sculpture, Ceramics Joyeray. SALT LENSENYAMENT 1991-2000. Stand mounting Coordinaciny dEnsenyament the Department of the Generalitat de Catalunya. 1992-2000 Logse School Reform. Vocational Training Currculum of Plastic Arts and Design Intermediate (content maximums): Silk Screen Print artistic and Calcogrfico. Higher Level (content maximums):: Clothing Stylist, Models of Clothing, Collections area Colorist Textile printing and dyeing and artistic. DEnsenyament Department. Generalitat de Catalunya. Barcelona. School Reform Logse. Vocational Training Currculum of Plastic Arts and Design Higher Grade (content minimum): Stylist Colorist Patterns and Prints Collections. Educaciny Ministry of Culture. Madrid. Rosa Sensat 1991-1995. School course on techniques of estampaciny dEstiu projects. Barcelona Provincial Council. Escola de la Dona. Barcelona. GRADUATE SCHOOL OF FINE ARTS. Formation of trainers. Reform. Drawing, Projects and technicians of Estampacin. Llotja. Barcelona. 1995 UNIVERSITY LLULL Ramon. Roundtable presentation at Grafoanlisis. scope of application. Barcelona. AAIP-FAD. Presentation and moderation in Roundtable on The poetics of Textiles. Casa Elizalde. Barcelona. ESCOLA Blanquerna 1996. Ramon Llull University .. The grafoanlisi of Dibuix ilescriptura sensibilizacin Workshop Analysis and plastic. scope of application. Graduate Course. Barcelona. 1999-00 COURSE OF MANAGING I ADDRESS OF CENTRES Docents PBLICS. Universitat de Barcelona. Faculty of Psychology. DEnsenyament Department. Generalitat de Catalunya. ACCREDITATION PER THE DIRECTION OF CENTRES PBLICS docents. DEnsenyament Department. Generalitat de Catalunya.

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